• Steps to find peer-reviewed papers for your research essay

    Research essays are included in the curricula in every subject. The purpose of the addition of research essays is to increase the reading of the students, understand the scenario, and what updates and modifications have taken place in that particular context. Therefore, research essays are vital to student knowledge enhancement and academic exposure. The very first question that comes to mind, especially for beginners, is how to write a research essay, where to start, and how to get authentic information.



    For writing an effective research paper, there are certain requirements that should be met. Peer-reviewed articles are of profound importance when it comes to the publication or authenticity of the article. Peer-reviewed articles are the ones written by experts and are usually blind-reviewed by subject experts. You might have encountered terms like authentic or reliable academic sources, these terms particularly relate to the peer-reviewed articles. The articles peer-reviewed are scientifically valid and authentic. These articles express valuable research and extract accurate conclusions as they are executed by professionals.


    There are several ways to find peer review articles of your interest. The very first thing that comes to mind is simply google, but NO. Google or Google scholar does not confine its research sources to peer-reviewed articles only. It displays results from all sources that may include peer-reviewed articles as well but it will also display non-peer-reviewed articles. I also used google to write my essay, but later I came to know that Google does not provide peer-reviewed articles. You may go through several editorials, opinions, or book reviews that might be useful for you, but these are not peer-reviewed. Peer-reviewed articles usually contain the following structure:


    • Article title
    • Authors and their details
    • Abstract
    • Introduction
    • Literature review
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion


    To confine your research to access the peer-reviewed articles, you need to use certain databases. These databases provide peer-reviewed articles only. We will discuss steps to find peer-reviewed articles in one of the databases because almost all databases follow almost similar steps. You can also ask a professional essay writer to help you find the peer review articles related to your studies. The essay writers also follow these steps to grab the required peer-reviewed articles of their interests. A few of these databases are PubMed, Medline, Embase, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Cochrane Library, JSTOR, etc. These are the most commonly used databases and there are still others that are provided by publishers that only explore the relevant peer-reviewed articles within their databases while the above-mentioned databases usually display the results from various journals.



    In this section, we will be going to see how you can find the articles of your interest from these databases. These techniques are generally used by all writers, particularly those who are more concerned about the authenticity of the information. If you find it difficult to find peer reviewed articles, you can also hire a essay writing service that can effectively provide you with the relevant papers that are of most interest to you. help you. To reach your target articles, you need to define the keywords that suit most to your topic. We will discuss each of the steps how to find peer review articles:


    1) The very first step is to open the database from where you want to acquire peer-reviewed articles, for example, we can do an example of JSTOR and PubMed. The difference between JSTOR and PubMed is in the way they use keywords to search articles in their respective databases.


    2)The next step is to define keywords that suit the most to your topic. Let's say you have a topic that is related to healthcare and nursing and you need to be giving information about nursing and ethical values and increasing care in the nursing practice. The most suitable keywords will be “nursing, ethics, care”. The difference between databases can be realized here, for example, JSTOR uses the keywords to search within the articles while PubMed explores the articles that contain these words in their title.


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    3)As soon as you hit the search button, the results will be displayed containing the keywords. You can screen the articles that appear most relevant to your topic. You can open the individual article to see that article is relevant to you. You will notice that the peer-reviewed articles being displayed will be containing the following sections:


    • Article title
    • Authors and their details
    • Abstract
    • Introduction
    • Literature review
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • References


    4)You can also refine your research by applying filters in your search query in databases. For instance, you need to find articles within the last five years, or from books or research papers, or within a particular time period. The advanced search filter or options might be appearing on the left side of the window. You can check your required filters and define your search query further and again enter, this will take you to your required results and display articles that are most suited to your query.


    The peer-review articles offer the most authentic and valid information for writing an effective research essay. There are still other databases that offer this service but the most commonly used are PubMed, Web of Science, JSTOR, etc. These databases help the writers to screen the most accurate documents that provide information that is most suited to the topic under consideration. Several universities have also bought or subscribed to these databases helping students to open the university’s online library and look up their required articles. Hence, peer-reviewed articles are of profound importance in writing a research essay. You can likewise contact paper writing service for more help.


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